hash_big.matrix class is a modified class from bigmemory::big.matrix-class(). Its purpose is to help users operate big matrices within hard disk in a reusable way, so that the large matrices do not consume too much memory, and the matrices can be reused for the next time. Comparing with bigmemory::big.matrix-class(), the major enhancement of hash_big.matrix class is that the backing files are, by default, stored in a permanent place, with the md5 of the object as the file name. With this explicit name, hash_big.matrix objects can be easily reloaded into workspace every time.

as.hash_big.matrix(x, backingpath = "bp", silence = TRUE, ...)

attach.hash_big.matrix(x, backingpath = "bp")



A matrix, vector, or data.frame for bigmemory::as.big.matrix().

backingpath, ...

Passed to bigmemory::as.big.matrix().


Suppress messages?


  • as.hash_big.matrix(): Create a hash_big.matrix object from a matrix.

  • attach.hash_big.matrix(): Attach a hash_big.matrix object from the backing file to the workspace.



The md5 value of the matrix.


Inherited from big.matrix.