Options controlling the landscape construction
To control the behavior of simlandr::make_3d_static()
, but with default values accommodated for fitlandr
. See simlandr::make_3d_static()
for details.
- vf
object estimated byfit_2d_vf()
.- x, y
The names of the target variables.
- lims
The limits of the range for the density estimator as
c(xl, xu)
for 2D landscapes,c(xl, xu, yl, yu)
for 3D landscapes,c(xl, xu, yl, yu, zl, zu)
for 4D landscapes. If missing, the range of the data extended by 10% for both sides will be used. For landscapes based on multiple simulations, the largest range of all simulations (which means the lowest lower limit and the highest upper limit) will be used by default.- kde_fun
Which kernel estimator to use? Choices: "ks"
(default; faster and using less memory); "base"base::density()
(only for 2D landscapes); "MASS"MASS::kde2d()
(only for 3D landscapes).- n
The number of equally spaced points in each axis, at which the density is to be estimated.
- adjust
The multiplier to the bandwidth. The bandwidth used is actually
adjust * h
. This makes it easy to specify values like "half the default" bandwidth.- h
A number, or possibly a vector for 3D and 4D landscapes, specifying the smoothing bandwidth to be used. If missing, the default value of the kernel estimator will be used (but
bw = "SJ"
). Note that the definition of bandwidth might be different for different kernel estimators. For landscapes based on multiple simulations, the largesth
of all simulations will be used by default.- Umax
The maximum displayed value of potential.
A list containing the parameters of the corresponding function. Only intended to be used within fit_3d_vfld()