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The stability is calculated based on the shape of the potential landscape and the prior knowledge about the qualitatively different parts of the system. Two stability indicators are calculated separately, and their difference is used to represent a general stability of the system in favor of the first phase. Within each phase, the potential difference between the local maximum and the local minimum (if multiple minimums exist, use the one that is further from the other phase; and the local maximum should always be on the side to the other phase) is used to represent the stability of this phase.


calculate_stability(l, ...)

# S3 method for class '`2d_Isingland`'
calculate_stability(l, split_value = 0.5 * l$Nvar, ...)

# S3 method for class '`2d_Isingland_matrix`'
calculate_stability(l, split_value = 0.5 * l$Nvar, ...)



An Isingland object constructed with make_2d_Isingland() or make_2d_Isingland_matrix().


Not in use.


An integer to specify the number of active nodes used to split two stability ranges. Default is half of the number of nodes.



Returns a calculate_stability.2d_Isingland project, which contains the following elements:


The distribution tibble which is the same as in the input l.


The (row)indices in dist that were used as the positions of the local minimums and maximums in two parts.


The stability measures for the first (left) part, the second part (right), and their difference.


Returns a stability_2d_Isingland_matrix object, which is a tibble containing columns of the varying parameters and a column stability of the calculate_stability.2d_Isingland objects for each landscape.

When print()ed, a verbal description of the stability metrics is shown. Use the summary() method for a tidy version of the outputs.