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MDDConnectivity MDDThresholds
Estimation data for the Ising network of major depressive disorder
Get ggplot2 layers of stability metrics to add to the landscape plots
calculate_barrier(<2d_Isingland>) calculate_barrier(<2d_Isingland_matrix>) print(<barrier_2d_Isingland>) summary(<barrier_2d_Isingland>) summary(<barrier_2d_Isingland_matrix>)
Calculate energy barrier for Ising landscapes
Calculate the stability metrics for Ising landscapes
calculate_stability_se() print(<stability_se>) compare_stability()
Calculate the standard error, confidence interval, and p-value for the stability metrics of an Ising landscape using bootstrapping
chain_simulate_Isingland() make_Ising_chain()
Make Ising chains from (a series of) Ising grid(s) and perform a chain simulation.
Make a 2D landscape for an Ising network
Make a matrix of landscapes for multiple Ising networks
Make a 3D landscape for an Ising network
single_threshold() single_wei() all_thresholds() whole_weiadj() beta_list()
Control Functions to Specify the Varying Parameters for an Ising Grid.
Make a Grid to Specify Multiple Ising Networks
A shiny app that shows the landscape for the Ising network of major depressive disorder
Simulate a 2D Ising landscape